More Free Musics
I've got some more free musics for y'all. They're from a band called Mombojó, which apparently is becoming pretty popular in Brasil. They won some award or something. I don't know. Their music is really good, especially their second album, Homem-Espuma (Foam Man). You can download both albums in their entirety on the downloads page from their official website here. Of course the website is in Portuguese, but the page consists of not much more than the download links, so you should be able to navigate your way to the good stuff. Also, notice that there is a link to the song "Nem Parece", which is creative commons licensed, so you can not only download it, but share it with anyone you want, and even remix it. If you don't want to download the whole albums, you can download each song individually here. I recommend "O mais vendido", "Homem-Espuma", and "Swinga", from Homem-Espuma, and "Nem Parece" from Nadadenovo. But really, I'd recommend you download the entire albums, especially Homem-Espuma cause they're the kind that are better in their entirety than any one of their songs.
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