

Since this blog is still fairly new, I am still frequently making little changes until it is to my liking. One of these changes, which I made today was to my categories. Previously, I had decided to only have fairly broad categories, like "meta," "cinema," "news," and "humor" for my posts, but today I changed my mind. I decided that I would also include also fairly specific category tags when appropriate. I will tend to list the broader categories first, and then more specific ones. I have gone back and added some tags to a few of my posts as per this change. In order to not go too crazy with categories, though, I have decided to impose a strict four tag limit for each post.

If you're wondering exactly how I've gone about creating these tags for my posts, I use the method described here. Basically, you must first have firefox and the greasemonkey extension for it (I can't imagine why you wouldn't, unless you use safari for mac). Then you download this greasemonkey script, and edit it to point to your del.icio.us account. When you post, there is a new field for generating tags automatically that point to categories in your del.icio.us account. Then, once you post your entry to blogger, you make a post for it on your del.icio.us page (I have made a del.icio.us account devoted to this blog, so as not to mix things with my other del.icio.us account, which could get confusing for someone wanting to browse all my posts in category x). In addition to linking to the appropriate category in blogger, that script also creates tags which are viewable by technorati bots, so you kill two birds with one stone. Slightly more detailed instructions and explanations are at that first link I provided in this paragraph.

(Clicking on these links takes you to that category under my del.icio.us account. Also, if you search for them at technorati, you should be able to find this post, though possibly burried under many many posts from other, better blogs than this one).

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At 8/17/2005 06:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jigga wha'?


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